Design Challenge // How might we re-think physical therapy as a way of life?
Client // Kerry Ojeda, Entrepreneur and Founder of KO Physical Therapy
Project // Branding, copy & web design for a healthcare startup.
Role // Design Lead, Advisory
Impact // As a competitive athlete and board certified Doctor of Physical Therapy that has been practicing for over eight years, Kerry Ojeda sees physical therapy as a way of life - a lifelong practice for the body to optimize performance and prevent injury, no matter how it chooses to move.
Kerry’s business, KO Physical Therapy is a private practice specifically designed for active people and athletes. Her philosophy and expertise are reflected in her practice through a unique approach she designed called Treat - Correct - Perform.
Kerry wanted a website that reflected her unique brand and philosophy. In a space where most physical therapy sites are impossible to navigate, Kerry wanted something that would stand out, while being accessible and user friendly.
The final product, KO Physical Therapy, blends illustration, photography, bold design and typography with the bio-mechanical in a way that celebrates the many ways our bodies can move.
Duration of Engagement // Fall 2020
Acknowledgements //
Photography: Devonta White
“Working with Kavya was seamless and seriously a pleasure! She delivered on her promise that this process would be fun and non-stressful. Her professionalism, communication and task efficiency was impressive! During my consultation with Kavya, l mentioned wanting a product I would be proud to show off. She nailed it from web design, to artistry and copy-writing for my website. Thank you so much!”
“I get so many compliments on the website - Kudos to you! They report how nice it is, how simple it is to use, and how straightforward the information is. They compare it to other PT sites and immediately get the difference! Success!” - Dr. Kerry Ojeda